Ajax Img Upload Parameter Is Invalid Asp Net Mvc


Many web developers are challenged to design user interfaces that provide an interactive experience while collecting data from users and dynamically creating new page elements.

The collection of technologies known as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) provides a mode for spider web applications to asynchronously transport and receive data from a server without the demand to refresh the page or interfere with its appearance. By decoupling the presentational layer from the data exchange layer, AJAX (or Ajax) enables web applications to dynamically change content without reloading the entire page.

Ajax has enabled many enhancements to website user interfaces as support for Ajax has go more extensive in modern web browsers. Support for Ajax in the widely-used jQuery JavaScript library has simplified Ajax implementation.

Microsoft provides support for Ajax functionality in ASP.Internet MVC through classes in the System.Web.Mvc and System.Web.Mvc.Ajax namespaces. Ane of the principal classes in this group is AjaxHelper<TModel> which, as Microsoft puts information technology, "includes methods that provide client-side functionality in ASP.NET AJAX in MVC applications, such as creating asynchronous forms and rendering links. The AjaxHelper grade supports asynchronous partial-folio updates."

The instance written report presented in this guide uses one AjaxHelper class method, BeginForm , to provide the asynchronous functionality needed to update a section of a web page without refreshing the entire page. The residue of the functionality comes from basic ASP.NET MVC components like controller deportment and partial views.

Case Study Clarification

The examples shown in this guide are derived from a case study projection available on GitHub. You tin can download and run the project to run across the techniques illustrated here in action and to experiment on your own.

The case study is a multi-project Visual Studio 2017 solution developed from the default ASP.Net .Net Framework MVC template. It uses Entity Framework 6.1 and the repository and Model View ViewModel (MVVM) design patterns.

The solution consists of iii projects that institute the dissimilar layers of the application:

Project Awarding Layer
Blip.Information Information Context and Repositories
Bleep.Entities Data Entities
Bleep.Web User Interface (views) and Business concern Logic (controllers)

The case study application BlipAjax is a simple organisation for gathering, storing, and retrieving geographic and other data nigh customers. Information technology's not product-fix from either the blueprint or coding perspectives; it exists to illustrate the concepts discussed in this guide.

More importantly, Entity Framework and the repository and MVVM blueprint patterns are production-fix tools. The example projection was constructed so yous can start with the MVC template and put together your ain solutions using these resources using the sample project as a guide.


The construction of the BlipAjax entities is simple, at that place are customers, which are located in a specific state and region. They can accept multiple due east-mail addresses and multiple postal addresses. Postal addresses are similarly located in countries and regions. The entity-human relationship diagram looks like this:


The Seed method of the Configuration grade in Bleep.Information.Migrations contains data for populating the lists of Countries and Regions.


The user interface for BlipAjax is as simple as the information model. Since the awarding is built on the MVC default template, the dwelling house page looks nearly identical:

BlipAjax Home Page

There is a new heading and push for the customer database functionality:

BlipAjax Customers Index

Selecting Edit at the end, for a client, opens the customer edit page. It's this folio that implements the Ajax functionality described in this guide.

BlipAjax Customer Edit

The Address Type drop-down enables the user to select either "E-mail" or "Postal" address. When the user presses "Select", the Ajax HTTP POST functionality of the related partial view, AddressTypePartial.cshtml , is activated and the page is updated with either the partial view for creating an electronic mail address, CreateEmailAddressPartial.cshtml , or CreatePostalAddressPartial.cshtml , the partial view for creating a postal accost.

This is the Edit Customer Information view with the due east-mail address pick selected:

Blip Ajax Customer Edit E-Mail Address

And this is what Edit Client Information looks like with the postal address option selected:

Blip Ajax Customer Edit E-Mail Address

Code Intro

ASP.NET MVC Ajax Helper classes provide functionality like to that of a client-side framework without imposing the development overhead. With relatively little C#, a developer can create flexible, responsive user interface elements.

Components Summary

Separation of concerns and the constraint that HTML pages cannot have nested views both dictate that the Customer/Edit view cannot accept its ain view model. Instead, each course department of the view is equanimous of a partial view with its ain view model.

In BlipAjax, the accompanying example solution, the awarding tiers are located in unlike projects, as follows:

Application Tier Project Component
User Interface Presentation Blip.Web Views
User Interface Information Blip.Entities ViewModels
Business organisation Logic Bleep.Web Controllers
Data Entities Blip.Entities Models
Information Interface Blip.Data Repositories
Data Store Blip.Data Information Context

Although in that location are a number files that comprise the single page Client/Edit folio, the relationship of the files is easy to discern.

View and Partial Views (.cshtml)

Project Binder
Bleep.Web Views/Client
Component File
Customer/Edit parent view Edit.cshtml
Customer information fractional view EditCustomerPartial.cshtml
Address type selection partial view AddressTypePartial.cshtml
E-mail address partial view CreateEmailAddressPartial.cshtml
Postal address partial view CreatePostalAddressPartial.cshtml

Note that in the instance application but one of the address partial views appears on the page at one time, either the e-mail partial view or the postal address partial view.

View Models Summary

Project Folder
Blip.Entities Customers.ViewModels
Component File
Customer/Edit parent view (none)
Customer information partial view CustomerEditViewModel.cs
Address blazon selection fractional view AddressTypeViewModel.cs
Electronic mail address partial view EmailAddressViewModel.cs
Postal address fractional view PostalAddressEditViewModel.cs

Controller Methods Summary

Project Folder File
Blip.Web Controllers/Customers CustomerController.cs
Associated Partial View Method HTTP Action Parameter(s)
Edit.cshtml Edit GET cord customerid
EditCustomerPartial.cshtml EditCustomerPartial Go string customerid
EditCustomerPartial.cshtml EditCustomerPartial POST CustomerEditViewModel
AddressTypePartial.cshtml AddressTypePartial Become string customerid
AddressTypePartial.cshtml AddressTypePartial Post AddressTypeViewModel
CreateEmailAddressPartial.cshtml CreateEmailAddressPartial Postal service EmailAddressViewModel
CreatePostalAddressPartial.cshtml CreatePostalAddressPartial Postal service PostalAddressEditViewModel

Note that there is no signature associated with the Edit method. This is because all the HTTP POST activeness associated with the Edit view takes place in the POST deportment of the partial views:

  • CreateEmailAddressPartial
  • CreatePostalAddressPartial

Annotation also that CreateEmailAddressPartial and CreatePostalAddressPartial only have signatures for HTTP Post considering the Postal service action of AddressTypePartial performs the function of invoking the Razor engine for the electronic mail address and postal address partial views.

Views and Fractional Views

Blip.Spider web/Views/Customer/Edit.cshtml

The lawmaking for the parent view is quite straightforward. Note the following:

  1. There is no @model Razor directive: as noted in the code, the view models exist in the partial views.

  2. The @Html.Activity HtmlHelper is used to return ii partial views when the Edit view is get-go rendered. The HtmlHelper invokes the corresponding HTTP Become action in CustomerController.cs.

  3. The HTTP GET controller methods associated with the partial views require the current value of CustomerID to recollect and render the appropriate information. This value is too the route value for the view, only it could also be passed in the ViewBag collection when the Edit view is called from the Alphabetize view. Judicious apply of route values and data passed in the ViewBag or ViewData collections can serve the same role as data that might otherwise exist bound in the data model.

  4. An empty HTML element is used as the target for the Ajax action that renders either the e-postal service address or postal accost fractional view.

    <div id="CreateAddress"></div>

                                  1                  @*Models are in partial views.*@                                    ii                  three@section header {                  4                  5}                  six                  7@{                  8                  ViewBag.Championship = "Edit Client Information";                  9}                  ten                  eleven                                    <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  row                  "                  >                                                      12                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-md-12                  "                  >                                                      13                                                      <                  h2                  >                  Edit Customer Information                  </                  h2                  >                                                      14                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      15                                    </                  div                  >                                                      16                  17                                    <                  div                                                      id                  =                  "                  EditCustomerPartial                  "                  >                                                      18                  @Html.Activeness("EditCustomerPartial", new { id = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"] })                  xix                                    </                  div                  >                                                      20                  21                                    <                  div                                                      id                  =                  "                  SelectAddressTypePartial                  "                  >                                                      22                  @Html.Action("AddressTypePartial", new { id = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"] })                  23                                    </                  div                  >                                                      24                  25                                    <                  div                                                      id                  =                  "                  CreateAddress                  "                  >                  </                  div                  >                                                      26                  27                                    <                  div                                                      grade                  =                  "                  row                  "                  >                                                      28                                                      <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  course-group                  "                  >                                                      29                                                      <                  div                                                      grade                  =                  "                  col-doctor-12                  "                  >                                                      30                                                      <                  hr                                                      />                                                      31                                                      <                  div                  >                                                      32                  @Html.ActionLink("Back to Listing", "Index")                  33                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      34                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      35                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      36                                    </                  div                  >                                                      37                  38@section Scripts {                  39                  @Scripts.Return("~/bundles/jqueryunobtrusive") @*For unobtrusive-ajax*@                  40                  @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval") @*For validate and validate-unobtrusive*@                  41...                  42}                              


The JavaScript represented past the ellipses higher up provides functionality for the drop-down lists and does not effect the Ajax functionality. That topic is one for a carve up tutorial. The complete lawmaking can be seen in the instance project on GitHub.

JavaScript for AjaxHelper Methods

The Scripts section of Edit.cshtml contains a reference to a JavaScript bundle that is essential for the Ajax functionality. The jqueryunobtrusive package includes the script library jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js (or jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js in Release style).

The jQuery library itself must exist loaded before the unobtrusive-ajax library. This is done past this portion of the _Layout.cshtml shared view:

                                  1                  ...                                    two                  @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery")                  iii                  @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/bootstrap")                  iv                  @RenderSection("scripts", required: imitation)                  five...                              


Including the reference to ~/bundles/jqueryunobtrusive in the scripts section of the Edit.cshtml folio ensures the Ajax library gets loaded after the jQuery library and merely gets loaded on the page where it is used.


Aside from being a partial view, EditCustomerPartial.cshtml contains all the standard features of a data-driven Razor view:

  1. A model bound with the @model Razor directive.

  2. An HTML form section created with the HtmlHelper.BeginForm method.

    Annotation that the signature used identifies the partial view, controller name, and HTTP form method.

  3. Form controls leap to the view model.

  4. A submit button for the form.

Notation that it as well has a code section where the value of the Layout attribute of the view is fix to zilch . This addresses a problem where in which the Razor rendering engine can apply all the features of the _Layout.cshtml file, commonly found in the Shared folder, to partial views when the outset partial view encountered has a bound data model merely the parent view does not. Setting this value to aught forces the Razor engine to return the partial view as a partial view.

                                  1                  @model Blip.Entities.Customers.ViewModels.CustomerEditViewModel                                    ii                  3@{                  4                  Layout = goose egg;                  5}                  six                  vii@using (Html.BeginForm("EditCustomerPartial", "Client", FormMethod.Post))                  8{                  9                  @Html.AntiForgeryToken()                  10                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  course-horizontal                  "                  >                                                      11                                                      <                  hr                                                      />                                                      12                                                      <                  h4                  >                  Edit customer details                  </                  h4                  >                                                      13                  @Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @course = "text-danger" })                  14                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-group                  "                  >                                                      fifteen                  @Html.LabelFor(model => model.CustomerID, htmlAttributes: new { @form = "control-label col-md-2" })                  sixteen                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-md-10                  "                  >                                                      17                  @Html.EditorFor(model => model.CustomerID, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control", @readonly = "readonly" } })                  18                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      xix                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      20...                  21                                                      <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  form-group                  "                  >                                                      22                                                      <                  div                                                      grade                  =                  "                  col-physician-offset-two col-medico-x                  "                  >                                                      23                                                      <                  input                                                      blazon                  =                  "                  submit                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  Save                  "                                                      class                  =                  "                  btn btn-primary                  "                                                      />                                                      24                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      25                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      26                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      27}                              


Because the submit button is associated with the HTML course defined in this partial view, its activeness and the data associated with it are specific to this <form> element within the page.


The partial view for selecting the address type to add (east-mail or postal) is besides simple and is, for the about office, like to a conventional information-backed view. The of import differences are in how the <class> element is generated and, as a result, what happens with the submit button is pressed.

  • The HTML <grade> element is generated with the Ajax.BeginForm helper method rather than an Html.BeginForm helper method.

  • The first argument, "AddressTypePartial" , identifies the partial view that contains the class.

  • The second argument consists of an AjaxOptions object with the following properties:
Property Value Clarification
HttpMethod POST The HTTP action that will occur when the submit button is pressed.
UpdateTargetId CreateAddress The element of the parent form (Edit.cshtml) to be acted on past the effect of the POST action.
InsertionMode InsertionMode.Replace What will be done with the results of the POST activeness in relation to the target chemical element.
                                  ane                  @model Blip.Entities.Customers.ViewModels.AddressTypeViewModel                                    2                  3@using (Ajax.BeginForm("AddressTypePartial", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST", UpdateTargetId = "CreateAddress", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace }))                  4{                  5                  @Html.AntiForgeryToken()                  6                                                      <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  form-horizontal                  "                  >                                                      7                                                      <                  hr                                                      />                                                      viii                                                      <                  h4                  >                  Select an accost blazon to add                  </                  h4                  >                                                      9                  @Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })                  x                  @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.CustomerID)                  11                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  grade-group                  "                  >                                                      12                  @Html.LabelFor(model => model.SelectedAddressType, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "command-characterization col-md-2", id="AddressTypeLabel" })                  13                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-dr.-10                  "                  >                                                      fourteen                  @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedAddressType, new SelectList(Model.AddressTypes, "Value", "Text"), htmlAttributes: new { @class = "form-control", id="AddressType" } )                  15                  @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.SelectedAddressType, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })                  16                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      17                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      18                  nineteen                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-group                  "                  >                                                      20                                                      <                  div                                                      grade                  =                  "                  col-doc-offset-2 col-md-10                  "                  >                                                      21                                                      <                  input                                                      type                  =                  "                  submit                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  Select                  "                                                      class                  =                  "                  btn btn-primary                  "                                                      />                                                      22                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      23                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      24                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      25}                              


Notation that an Html.AntiForgeryToken() method call is included for each fractional view.

Too note that neither partial view contains JavaScript. Scripts are located in the parent form, with ane exception discussed in the companion tutorial on using JavaScript with Ajax partial views.

Rendered HTML

The generated HTML rendered past the browser for the Client/Edit view appears below. Information technology is worth studying the client-side HTML closely because doing so makes the relationship between the fractional views, the <class> elements, and the controller actions clearer.

Note the post-obit features of the HTML:

  • There are two <form> elements, one each in the elements corresponding to the fractional views: <div id="EditCustomerPartial"> <div id="SelectAddressTypePartial">

  • Each form has an anti-forgery token.

  • Each form has a HTTP POST action that points to the controller method signature corresponding to the POST method for the associated partial view.

  • The SelectAddressTypePartial form element includes Ajax attributes that specify the actions to perform when the Post action returns from the server, including specifying the replacement of the CreateAddress element.

  • The <div id="CreateAddress"></div> element exists inside the <body> chemical element, but exterior either of the <grade> elements.

  • The <script> includes at the bottom of the page include jquery-iii.2.1.js and jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js, the two libraries essential for the AjaxHelper classes.

Ellipsis ( ... ) indicates code has been redacted for brevity.


                                  1                  <!                  DOCTYPE                                                      html                  >                                                      two                                    <                  html                  >                                                      3                                    <                  head                  >                                                      4                                                      <                  meta                                                      charset                  =                  "                  utf-8                  "                                                      />                                                      v                                                      <                  meta                                                      proper noun                  =                  "                  viewport                  "                                                      content                  =                  "                  width=device-width, initial-scale=one.0                  "                  >                                                      six                                                      <                  title                  >                  Edit Customer Information - My ASP.NET Application                  </                  title                  >                                                      7                                                      <                  link                                                      href                  =                  "                  /Content/bootstrap.css                  "                                                      rel                  =                  "                  stylesheet                  "                  />                                                      8                                                      <                  link                                                      href                  =                  "                  /Content/site.css                  "                                                      rel                  =                  "                  stylesheet                  "                  />                                                      9                                                      <                  script                                                      src                  =                  "                  /Scripts/modernizr-2.eight.iii.js                  "                  >                  </                  script                  >                                                      10                                    </                  head                  >                                                      11                                    <                  body                  >                                                      12                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  navbar navbar-changed navbar-stock-still-acme                  "                  >                                                      13                  ...                  14                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      fifteen                                                      <                  div                                                      grade                  =                  "                  container body-content                  "                  >                                                      16                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  row                  "                  >                                                      17                                                      <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  col-md-12                  "                  >                                                      18                                                      <                  h2                  >                  Edit Customer Information                  </                  h2                  >                                                      19                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      20                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      21                                                      <                  div                                                      id                  =                  "                  EditCustomerPartial                  "                  >                                                      22                                                      <                  form                                                      activeness                  =                  "                  /Customer/EditCustomerPartial/68f8202d-21cb-4090-a86c-0722bf588d1b                  "                                                      method                  =                  "                  post                  "                  >                                                      23                                                      <                  input                                                      proper noun                  =                  "                  __RequestVerificationToken                  "                                                      type                  =                  "                  hidden                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  rN4xA8UDIHeo8YHYFZ4Bnc16Fr6oQdjpnV0hKPNpgHcMHNe5ZyE7tCP5ouWG3OyRGI8a9ihfpoaonfd1pf5o-RcQuG7049hNX0cKSTuNE0I1                  "                                                      />                                                      24                                                      <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  form-horizontal                  "                  >                                                      25                                                      <                  hr                                                      />                                                      26                                                      <                  h4                  >                  Edit customer details                  </                  h4                  >                                                      27                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-group                  "                  >                                                      28                                                      <                  characterization                                                      course                  =                  "                  control-label col-md-2                  "                                                      for                  =                  "                  CustomerID                  "                  >                  Customer Number                  </                  label                  >                                                      29                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-md-x                  "                  >                                                      thirty                                                      <                  input                                                      grade                  =                  "                  form-control text-box single-line                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  CustomerID                  "                                                      name                  =                  "                  CustomerID                  "                                                      readonly                  =                  "                  readonly                  "                                                      type                  =                  "                  text                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  68f8202d-21cb-4090-a86c-0722bf588d1b                  "                                                      />                                                      31                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      32                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      33                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-grouping                  "                  >                                                      34                                                      <                  characterization                                                      class                  =                  "                  command-label col-physician-ii                  "                                                      for                  =                  "                  CustomerName                  "                  >                  Customer Proper name                  </                  characterization                  >                                                      35                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-md-10                  "                  >                                                      36                                                      <                  input                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-control text-box single-line                  "                                                      data-val                  =                  "                  true                  "                                                      information-val-length                  =                  "                  The field Customer Proper name must be a string with a maximum length of 75.                  "                                                      data-val-length-max                  =                  "                  75                  "                                                      data-val-required                  =                  "                  The Customer Proper name field is required.                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  CustomerName                  "                                                      name                  =                  "                  CustomerName                  "                                                      type                  =                  "                  text                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  Spacely Space Sprokets                  "                                                      />                                                      37                                                      <                  span                                                      class                  =                  "                  field-validation-valid text-danger                  "                                                      data-valmsg-for                  =                  "                  CustomerName                  "                                                      data-valmsg-replace                  =                  "                  true                  "                  >                  </                  bridge                  >                                                      38                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      39                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      twoscore                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  course-group                  "                  >                                                      41                                                      <                  characterization                                                      class                  =                  "                  control-label col-doctor-2                  "                                                      for                  =                  "                  SelectedCountryIso3                  "                  >                  State                  </                  label                  >                                                      42                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-md-10                  "                  >                                                      43                                                      <                  select                                                      course                  =                  "                  form-control                  "                                                      data-val                  =                  "                  true                  "                                                      data-val-required                  =                  "                  The State field is required.                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  Country                  "                                                      name                  =                  "                  SelectedCountryIso3                  "                  >                                                      44                                                      <                  option                                                      value                  =                  "                  "                  >                  --- select country ---                  </                  pick                  >                                                      45                                                      <                  option                                                      value                  =                  "                  CAN                  "                  >                  Canada                  </                  option                  >                                                      46                                                      <                  pick                                                      value                  =                  "                  FRA                  "                  >                  France                  </                  option                  >                                                      47                                                      <                  selection                                                      selected                  =                  "                  selected                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  USA                  "                  >                  United States of America                  </                  choice                  >                                                      48                                                      </                  select                  >                                                      49                                                      <                  span                                                      class                  =                  "                  field-validation-valid text-danger                  "                                                      information-valmsg-for                  =                  "                  SelectedCountryIso3                  "                                                      data-valmsg-supplant                  =                  "                  truthful                  "                  >                  </                  span                  >                                                      l                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      51                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      52                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  class-group                  "                  >                                                      53                                                      <                  label                                                      class                  =                  "                  control-label col-md-2                  "                                                      for                  =                  "                  SelectedRegionCode                  "                  >                  State / Region                  </                  label                  >                                                      54                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-md-10                  "                  >                                                      55                                                      <                  select                                                      course                  =                  "                  form-command                  "                                                      data-val                  =                  "                  true                  "                                                      information-val-required                  =                  "                  The State / Region field is required.                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  Region                  "                                                      name                  =                  "                  SelectedRegionCode                  "                  >                                                      56                                                      <                  option                                                      value                  =                  "                  AL                  "                  >                  Alabama                  </                  option                  >                                                      57                                                      <                  choice                                                      value                  =                  "                  AK                  "                  >                  Alaska                  </                  option                  >                                                      58                  ...                  59                                                      <                  option                                                      value                  =                  "                  WY                  "                  >                  Wyoming                  </                  option                  >                                                      60                                                      </                  select                  >                                                      61                                                      <                  span                                                      class                  =                  "                  field-validation-valid text-danger                  "                                                      information-valmsg-for                  =                  "                  SelectedRegionCode                  "                                                      data-valmsg-replace                  =                  "                  true                  "                  >                  </                  span                  >                                                      62                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      63                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      64                                                      <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  form-group                  "                  >                                                      65                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-physician-offset-2 col-doctor-10                  "                  >                                                      66                                                      <                  input                                                      type                  =                  "                  submit                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  Save                  "                                                      grade                  =                  "                  btn btn-primary                  "                                                      />                                                      67                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      68                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      69                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      70                                                      </                  course                  >                                                      71                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      72                                                      <                  div                                                      id                  =                  "                  SelectAddressTypePartial                  "                  >                                                      73                                                      <                  form                                                      activity                  =                  "                  /Customer/AddressTypePartial/68f8202d-21cb-4090-a86c-0722bf588d1b                  "                                                      data-ajax                  =                  "                  true                  "                                                      data-ajax-method                  =                  "                  Postal service                  "                                                      data-ajax-mode                  =                  "                  replace                  "                                                      data-ajax-update                  =                  "                  #CreateAddress                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  form0                  "                                                      method                  =                  "                  post                  "                  >                                                      74                                                      <                  input                                                      name                  =                  "                  __RequestVerificationToken                  "                                                      blazon                  =                  "                  hidden                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  w6veexTOKQxJc3_3BQh7yRC7mHM-iSQgkXaIQdh3EZsTVELEnsxpgpYtSSpZ4CO0ZZdfQrEjck8UBomFrTcHfJuH343y1n1eWv_OmDCjAUE1                  "                                                      />                                                      75                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-horizontal                  "                  >                                                      76                                                      <                  60 minutes                                                      />                                                      77                                                      <                  h4                  >                  Select an address type to add                  </                  h4                  >                                                      78                                                      <                  input                                                      data-val                  =                  "                  true                  "                                                      data-val-length                  =                  "                  The field CustomerID must be a cord with a maximum length of 38.                  "                                                      data-val-length-max                  =                  "                  38                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  CustomerID                  "                                                      proper noun                  =                  "                  CustomerID                  "                                                      type                  =                  "                  subconscious                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  68f8202d-21cb-4090-a86c-0722bf588d1b                  "                                                      />                                                      79                                                      <                  div                                                      course                  =                  "                  course-grouping                  "                  >                                                      fourscore                                                      <                  label                                                      class                  =                  "                  control-label col-md-2                  "                                                      for                  =                  "                  SelectedAddressType                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  AddressTypeLabel                  "                  >                  Address Type                  </                  characterization                  >                                                      81                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-md-ten                  "                  >                                                      82                                                      <                  select                                                      class                  =                  "                  class-control                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  AddressType                  "                                                      proper noun                  =                  "                  SelectedAddressType                  "                  >                                                      83                                                      <                  option                                                      value                  =                  "                  Email                  "                  >                  Email                  </                  choice                  >                                                      84                                                      <                  pick                                                      value                  =                  "                  Postal                  "                  >                  Postal                  </                  option                  >                                                      85                                                      </                  select                  >                                                      86                                                      <                  span                                                      class                  =                  "                  field-validation-valid text-danger                  "                                                      data-valmsg-for                  =                  "                  SelectedAddressType                  "                                                      data-valmsg-supercede                  =                  "                  true                  "                  >                  </                  bridge                  >                                                      87                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      88                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      89                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-group                  "                  >                                                      xc                                                      <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  col-md-offset-2 col-md-10                  "                  >                                                      91                                                      <                  input                                                      type                  =                  "                  submit                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  Select                  "                                                      class                  =                  "                  btn btn-primary                  "                                                      />                                                      92                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      93                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      94                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      95                                                      </                  form                  >                                                      96                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      97                  98                                    <                  div                                                      id                  =                  "                  CreateAddress                  "                  >                  </                  div                  >                                                      99                  100                                    <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  row                  "                  >                                                      101                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-group                  "                  >                                                      102                                                      <                  div                                                      form                  =                  "                  col-doc-12                  "                  >                                                      103                                                      <                  hr                                                      />                                                      104                                                      <                  div                  >                                                      105                                                      <                  a                                                      href                  =                  "                  /Client                  "                  >                  Dorsum to List                  </                  a                  >                                                      106                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      107                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      108                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      109                                    </                  div                  >                                                      110...                  111                                                      <                  script                                                      src                  =                  "                  /Scripts/jquery-3.ii.1.js                  "                  >                  </                  script                  >                                                      112                                                      <                  script                                                      src                  =                  "                  /Scripts/bootstrap.js                  "                  >                  </                  script                  >                                                      113                                                      <                  script                                                      src                  =                  "                  /Scripts/respond.js                  "                  >                  </                  script                  >                                                      114                                                      <                  script                                                      src                  =                  "                  /Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js                  "                  >                  </                  script                  >                                                      115                                                      <                  script                                                      src                  =                  "                  /Scripts/jquery.validate.js                  "                  >                  </                  script                  >                                                      116                                                      <                  script                                                      src                  =                  "                  /Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js                  "                  >                  </                  script                  >                                                      117...                  118                                    </                  body                  >                                                      119                                    </                  html                  >                              


Customer/Edit Ajax Response

When "Email" is selected for Address Type and the Select button is pressed, the CreateAddress <div> is replaced with the following code:

                                  1                  <                  div                                                      id                  =                  "                  CreateAddress                  "                  >                                                      ii                                                      <                  form                                                      action                  =                  "                  /Client/CreateEmailAddressPartial                  "                                                      method                  =                  "                  postal service                  "                  >                  <                  input                                                      name                  =                  "                  __RequestVerificationToken                  "                                                      type                  =                  "                  hidden                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  p3BCpdqspecbfFOxrQfzdrt9cyoiVgtloMzHDYUbYgmeVbEssngLCmfWTUGGY0p8sWGzOFex1PURQDZCctvoteNvTBeDVfUgPJ8CrebXxl41                  "                                                      />                                                      <                  div                                                      course                  =                  "                  form-horizontal                  "                  >                                                      3                                                      <                  hour                                                      />                                                      four                                                      <                  h4                  >                  Add a new Electronic mail Address                  </                  h4                  >                                                      five                                                      <                  input                                                      data-val                  =                  "                  true                  "                                                      information-val-length                  =                  "                  The field CustomerID must be a string with a maximum length of 38.                  "                                                      data-val-length-max                  =                  "                  38                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  CustomerID                  "                                                      proper name                  =                  "                  CustomerID                  "                                                      blazon                  =                  "                  hidden                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  68f8202d-21cb-4090-a86c-0722bf588d1b                  "                                                      />                                                      6                                                      <                  div                                                      course                  =                  "                  class-group                  "                  >                                                      7                                                      <                  label                                                      class                  =                  "                  control-characterization col-md-2                  "                                                      for                  =                  "                  Email                  "                  >                  Email                  </                  label                  >                                                      8                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-md-10                  "                  >                                                      9                                                      <                  input                                                      class                  =                  "                  form-control text-box single-line                  "                                                      id                  =                  "                  electronic mail                  "                                                      proper name                  =                  "                  Email                  "                                                      blazon                  =                  "                  electronic mail                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  "                                                      />                                                      10                                                      <                  span                                                      grade                  =                  "                  field-validation-valid text-danger                  "                                                      data-valmsg-for                  =                  "                  Email                  "                                                      data-valmsg-supercede                  =                  "                  truthful                  "                  >                  </                  span                  >                                                      11                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      12                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      13                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  class-group                  "                  >                                                      xiv                                                      <                  div                                                      class                  =                  "                  col-doctor-showtime-2 col-md-10                  "                  >                                                      xv                                                      <                  input                                                      id                  =                  "                  AddButton                  "                                                      type                  =                  "                  submit                  "                                                      value                  =                  "                  Add                  "                                                      class                  =                  "                  btn btn-primary                  "                                                      />                                                      16                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      17                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      18                                                      </                  div                  >                                                      19                                                      </                  course                  >                                                      20                                    </                  div                  >                              


This adds a third <form> element to the page with its own submit button. Selecting "Postal" in the Address Type drop-downwards and pressing Select adds the corresponding partial view for adding a postal address.

Each form interacts with its ain controller methods, every bit do the forms for editing customer information and selecting the type of address to add (due east-mail or postal). Accordingly, updated information about the customer can be added using the outset form on the page independent of the submission of the e-mail address or postal address information.

Controller Actions

Looking at the CustomerController.cs methods will provide a more than complete understanding of how each section of of the Customer/Edit view works and how Ajax is used to update the view with new content without refreshing the entire page.

The following tabular array summarizes the elements of the view and the controller methods with which they interact:

View ViewModel Course Helper Type HTTP Action Controller Method
Edit.cshtml (none) (none) Get ActionResult Edit(cord id)
EditCustomerPartial.cshtml CustomerEditViewModel.cs HTML GET ActionResult EditCustomerPartial(string id)
EditCustomerPartial.cshtml CustomerEditViewModel.cs HTML Mail service ActionResult EditCustomerPartial(CustomerEditViewModel model)
AddressTypePartial.cshtml AddressTypeViewModel.cs Ajax GET ActionResult AddressTypePartial(cord id)
AddressTypePartial.cshtml AddressTypeViewModel.cs Ajax Post ActionResult AddressTypePartial(AddressTypeViewModel model)
CreateEmailAddressPartial.cshtml EmailAddressViewModel.cs HTML Postal service ActionResult CreateEmailAddressPartial(EmailAddressViewModel model)
CreatePostalAddressPartial.cshtml PostalAddressEditViewModel.cs HTML POST ActionResult CreateEmailAddressPartial(PostalAddressEditViewModel model)

Note that in that location is no POST method for the Edit parent view because all the forms and submit buttons belong to partial views and each has its own associated controller methods.

Note also that there are no HTTP GET deportment for the e-mail accost and postal accost partial views. These views are rendered by the POST action signature of the AddresTypePartial method.

Edit View Get Method

Rendering the view begins with an ActionResult method for Edit.cshtml, the parent page. Note that there is no view model associated with this view; as described above, all the related view models are associated with the partial views. All that this view needs to to is check for a valid GUID and return the view.

                                  one                  // Get: Customer/Edit/68f8202d-21cb-4090-a86c-0722bf588d1b                                                      2                                    public                                                      ActionResult                                                      Edit                  (                  string                                      id                  )                                                      3                                    {                                                      4                                                      if                                                      (                  !                  String                  .                  IsNullOrWhiteSpace                  (                  id                  )                  )                                                      5                                                      {                                                      6                                                      bool                                      isGuid                                    =                                      Guid                  .                  TryParse                  (                  id                  ,                                                      out                                                      Guid                                      customerId                  )                  ;                                                      7                                                      if                                                      (                  isGuid                                    &&                                      customerId                                    !=                                      Guid                  .                  Empty                  )                                                      eight                                                      {                                                      nine                                                      return                                                      View                  (                  )                  ;                                                      ten                                                      }                                                      xi                                                      }                                                      12                                                      render                                                      new                                                      HttpStatusCodeResult                  (                  HttpStatusCode                  .                  BadRequest                  )                  ;                                                      13                                    }                              


EditCustomerPartial Go Method

This method is chosen during the rendering of Edit.cshtml by this line in the Razor view:

@Html.Action("EditCustomerPartial", new { id = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"] })

Notation that the Html.Activeness helper method passes the road value for the CustomerID equally an argument. The value of id is used to retrieve the customer record from the SQL Server database using the GetCustomer method of CustomersRepository .

The customer information is returned in an instance of CustomerEditViewModel , which provides the values for the drop-downwards lists for Country and Region likewise as the electric current values for the country and region associated with the client record. This is all handled by the repository and so the business concern logic doesn't have to exist concerned with the data needed for mechanizing the user interface.

csharp ChildActionOnly public ActionResult EditCustomerPartial(string id) { if (!Cord.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { bool isGuid = Guid.TryParse(id, out Guid customerId); if (isGuid && customerId != Guid.Empty) { var repo = new CustomersRepository(); var model = repo.GetCustomer(customerId); return View(model); } } return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); }

                                  1                  The method is busy with the `ChildActionOnly` attribute to indicate that information technology tin only be called within a parent view, never as a standalone GET action. This prevents the partial view from being rendered on its ain and potentially existence used to subvert the proper functioning of the application.                                    2                  3#### AddressTypePartial GET Method                  iv                  5This method is called during the rendering of **Edit.cshtml** by this line in the Razor view:                  6                  7`@Html.Activity("AddressTypePartial", new { id = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"] })`                  8                  nineAs with the fractional view for editing customer information, this GET method populates the information in the view model that supports the user interface.                  ten                  11```csharp                  12[ChildActionOnly]                  13public ActionResult AddressTypePartial(string id)                  14{                  fifteen                  if (!Cord.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))                  16                  {                  17                  bool isGuid = Guid.TryParse(id, out Guid customerId);                  xviii                  if (isGuid && customerId != Guid.Empty)                  19                  {                  20                  var repo = new MetadataRepository();                  21                  var model = new AddressTypeViewModel()                  22                  {                  23                  CustomerID = id,                  24                  AddressTypes = repo.GetAddressTypes()                  25                  };                  26                  return PartialView("AddressTypePartial", model);                  27                  }                  28                  }                  29                  return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);                  xxx}                              

At this betoken, the Razor engine has all the data and markup information technology needs to render the page. The Customer/Edit view can exist used by the user.

AddressTypePartial Mail service Method

When the user selects an address blazon to add together and presses the Select button, the data is sent to the server and handled past the POST method for AddressTypePartial . This method will not execute unless the anti-forgery token associated with the class is valid.

                                  i                  [                  HttpPost                  ]                                                      two                                    [                  ValidateAntiForgeryToken                  ]                                                      iii                                    public                                                      ActionResult                                                      AddressTypePartial                  (                  AddressTypeViewModel                                      model                  )                                                      4                                    {                                                      5                                                      if                                                      (                  ModelState                  .                  IsValid                                    &&                                                      !                  Cord                  .                  IsNullOrWhiteSpace                  (                  model                  .                  CustomerID                  )                  )                                                      vi                                                      {                                                      7                                                      switch                                                      (                  model                  .                  SelectedAddressType                  )                                                      8                                                      {                                                      9                                                      instance                                                      "Electronic mail"                  :                                                      10                                                      var                                      emailAddressModel                                    =                                                      new                                                      EmailAddressViewModel                  (                  )                                                      11                                                      {                                                      12                                      CustomerID                                    =                                      model                  .                  CustomerID                                    13                                                      }                  ;                                                      14                                                      return                                                      PartialView                  (                  "CreateEmailAddressPartial"                  ,                                      emailAddressModel                  )                  ;                                                      fifteen                                                      case                                                      "Postal"                  :                                                      16                                                      var                                      postalAddressModel                                    =                                                      new                                                      PostalAddressEditViewModel                  (                  )                                                      17                                                      {                                                      18                                      CustomerID                                    =                                      model                  .                  CustomerID                                    nineteen                                                      }                  ;                                                      20                                                      var                                      countriesRepo                                    =                                                      new                                                      CountriesRepository                  (                  )                  ;                                                      21                                      postalAddressModel                  .                  Countries                                    =                                      countriesRepo                  .                  GetCountries                  (                  )                  ;                                                      22                                                      var                                      regionsRepo                                    =                                                      new                                                      RegionsRepository                  (                  )                  ;                                                      23                                      postalAddressModel                  .                  Regions                                    =                                      regionsRepo                  .                  GetRegions                  (                  )                  ;                                                      24                                                      return                                                      PartialView                  (                  "CreatePostalAddressPartial"                  ,                                      postalAddressModel                  )                  ;                                                      25                                                      default                  :                                                      26                                                      return                                                      new                                                      HttpStatusCodeResult                  (                  HttpStatusCode                  .                  BadRequest                  )                  ;                                                      27                                                      }                                                      28                                                      }                                                      29                                                      return                                                      new                                                      HttpStatusCodeResult                  (                  HttpStatusCode                  .                  BadRequest                  )                  ;                                                      thirty                                    }                              


Depending on the blazon of address selected by the user, this method creates an instance of the appropriate view model and sets the value of CustomerID . If the postal address type is selected, the controller besides populates the relevant SelectList collections for the lists of countries and regions. The controller then returns the appropriate view along with the associated view model.

On the client side, the browser takes the HTML and data from the server and, using the JavaScript libraries, renders the partial view and its view model data in place of the <div id="CreateAddress"> chemical element.

At this point, the user can enter and submit information for the selected accost type, or re-select the address type and meet the page updated with the other fractional view. Once the user enters data and presses the Save push, the appropriate POST controller method handles the request.

CreateEmailAddressPartial POST Method

In the example of an e-mail accost, the Mail service method looks like this. It is a simple affair of using the repository to save the information and responding accordingly to the results of that method call.

                                  1                  [                  HttpPost                  ]                                                      2                                    [                  ValidateAntiForgeryToken                  ]                                                      3                                    public                                                      ActionResult                                                      CreateEmailAddressPartial                  (                  EmailAddressViewModel                                      model                  )                                                      iv                                    {                                                      five                                                      if                                                      (                  ModelState                  .                  IsValid                  )                                                      half-dozen                                                      {                                                      7                                                      var                                      repo                                    =                                                      new                                                      CustomersRepository                  (                  )                  ;                                                      8                                                      bool                                      saved                                    =                                      repo                  .                  SaveEmailAddress                  (                  model                  )                  ;                                                      9                                                      if                                                      (                  saved                  )                                                      x                                                      {                                                      11                                                      return                                                      RedirectToAction                  (                  "Edit"                  ,                                                      new                                                      {                                      id                                    =                                      model                  .                  CustomerID                                    }                  )                  ;                                                      12                                                      }                                                      thirteen                                                      }                                                      14                                                      return                                                      new                                                      HttpStatusCodeResult                  (                  HttpStatusCode                  .                  BadRequest                  )                  ;                                                      fifteen                                    }                              


In the instance project, when the e-mail service address is successfully saved, the controller passes command to the method to load the Customer/Edit folio ( Edit.cshtml ) for the current customer. This is equivalent to resetting the folio. In real-world applications, any number of other results are possible, including reloading an Ajax partial view that displays the electric current listing of addresses of the associated type.

Other Ajax Actions

In addition to adding a new class to a page, the Ajax.BeginForm helper can be used to create Ajax functionality to perform other useful actions. The actionName , controllerName , and routeValues parameters tin can be used to access controller deportment from a specific controller and pass a variety of data to the controller.

In improver, the AjaxOptions parameter tin be used to define what happens with the fractional view as it is being added to the page. Some of the options are:

InsertionMode - defines whether the new <form> element replaces the identified element or is added before or after the existing element. This is useful when building a listing of items on the page as the user adds information.

OnBegin - tin can set the JavaScript function to phone call before the <form> element is added.

OnSuccess - can set the JavaScript office to call when the <form> has finished loading.


ASP.Cyberspace MVC AjaxHelper methods provide a flexible way to add together Ajax functionality to Razor views. In many cases this tin can provide the desired functionality without the resource commitment and potential learning curve associated with implementing a client-side framework like Angular.

Ajax helper methods leverage the developer's knowledge of server-side programming with C# and with the MVC design blueprint. They require minimal lawmaking in the Razor view and allow for powerful combinations of partial views, controller actions, and client-side JavaScript to create an interactive unmarried folio experience for the user.

Implementing the Model View ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern by combining Ajax helpers with partial views and associated view models can provide an effective separation of concerns for interactive pages built with these resource. Compatibility of ASP.Cyberspace security tools like the anti=forgery token with Ajax helpers ensures the robust security of ASP.Cyberspace without additional programming effort.

Developers should evaluate the capabilities of AjaxHelper methods before deciding to move from ASP.NET MVC to WebAPI and Angular (or another client-side framework). This is peculiarly true when search engine optimization (SEO) and page analytics integration are objectives.

More than Data

If y'all want to dive deeper into the topics discussed in this guide or experiment with the code shown above, the following is a selected list of resources.

Instance Project

The complete Visual Studio solution described in this guide is available on GitHub: BlipAjax

The instance projection is provided as is, without any warranty expressed or implied. Neither Pluralsight nor the author is responsible for any errors or omissions.

Related Pluralsight Courses

ASP.NET MVC Advanced Topics past Scott Allen, 22 July 2009. The get-go module of this grade, Ajax with ASP.Cyberspace MVC, provides a dainty narrated overview of the related technology.

Other Resources

Disclaimer: Pluraldight and the author of this guide are not responsible for the content, accuracy, or availability of third party resources.

Microsoft: System.Web.Mvc.Ajax namespace - This is the approved documentation for the AjaxExtensions (including the BeginForm method) and AjaxOptions classes. Notation that if y'all get looking for data on docs.microsoft.com it will kicking you lot over to this URL. Although this page refers to Visual Studio 2013, it is, in fact, the most recent documentation.

Wikipedia: Ajax (programming) - A prissy summary of the Ajax compages, history, and implementation. Good background for beginners looking for a fundamental grounding in the engineering.


Source: https://www.pluralsight.com/guides/asp-net-mvc-using-ajax-helpers-with-razor-partial-views

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